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What people have said about The Grief Recovery Method and Helping Children With Loss.


Grief Recovery One-To-One Programme

"I learned about the Grief Recovery Method after hearing about Jill following my husband's funeral. I started the One-to-One programme in May 2018 and I was at first worried that it was too soon following his death four months earlier, but I am so glad I went along. It is so true - we wouldn't wait to seek help if we had hurt ourselves physically so why wait to seek help with our emotions. 

Jill is such a wonderful person and she explained everything so well. I feel that I really benefited from the sessions. There was no judgement. I wish others who have experienced loss were there to listen and be with me so that they could see just how beneficial this programme is."

Kate, Stafford

Grief Recovery Group Programme

"When I was asked if I would like to take part in The Grief Recovery programme a few things came to mind:

  • I don’t need “therapy”

  • My grief is too raw

  • It’s too early to talk about it

  • How can it possibly help me? 

I decided to attend the Group Programme and I am so pleased that I did. Jill was as an amazing tutor... calm, non judgmental, empathetic and above all a good listener. I met some lovely people, all of whom had very different experiences of their loss and it was so comforting to have time to listen to each other share how we were feeling. 

My advice to anyone who has experienced grief of any kind (at any time of life), is to attend one of these courses. Although it still doesn’t change what has happened or bring a loved one back, it helps you to be kind to yourself and learn to think about things differently." 

Helen, Stafford

Helping Children With Loss Course For Professionals

"From those of us that have done the training it's the opportunity to really be able to fine-tune how we deal with children on a one-to-one basis. For us it has been invaluable for the immediate impact that we will have with those children that come to us."

Fiona Hartley - Assistant Headteacher, Sir Graham Balfour School, Stafford

"It was an absolute pleasure to be on the course. The course really opened my eyes as to the different types of losses children deal with that we may take for granted. I'm so excited to not only help myself but to help the children in my setting at dealing with loss. It would be an honour to work with you again if the time arises and I will most definitely be in touch again."

N Padgham - Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA), Parkside Primary School, Stafford

Helping Children With Loss Course For Parents/Carers/ Service Personnel (Service Families)

"Wednesday evenings with Jill were very informative. Her kind, soft voice made it easy to listen to and we felt that Jill knew exactly what she was talking about.

I feel I have more understanding on how children will be feeling and coping with a loss of any kind. Whether it be a family pet or a family member. I feel as I have the correct language to deal with a situation I may encounter instead of sitting there and maybe upsetting the child further because I’m saying the wrong thing.


I’m hoping I don’t have to put this into practice in the near future but I certainly feel ready if I have to. Two members of the group I know have had the need and they feel as if they have handled the situation so much better.
Those of us who attended (I think I speak for us all) felt very privileged that we were given the opportunity to do this course and I would definitely recommend to others.” Well done Jill and thank you."

Andrea Bowyer - Teaching Assistant, Bishop Lonsdale Academy, Eccleshall, Stafford.

“Taking part in this course has opened my eyes, changed my perspective and heightened my understanding about grief and change and the most effective ways to support children with loss.  From the first session I immediately found myself reflecting on the simplest of changes I could personally make in order to support all children; such as the specific choice of words I use when talking to children and the impact this has on children both in the short term and long term. 

The course raised my awareness both professionally as a teacher and personally as a parent and as a result of the course I feel more equipped to support children on a daily basis as well as in specific times of loss and change. 

Since the completing the course, I have already utilised the strategies to support a child in school with a recent family bereavement in ways I would never have previously considered.  I would highly recommend this inspirational and deeply thought provoking course, it really will open your eyes, mind and heart and provide you with confidence to build supportive and purposeful relationships with children facing loss and change.”

Liz Bates - Bishop Lonsdale Academy, Eccleshall, Stafford.

"I have greatly appreciated the opportunity to undertake the Helping Children with Loss, course.  I am now more aware of what loss is and the different ways that loss is experienced.  I feel that I am now more attuned to understanding the children’s needs and feelings. 


Since beginning the course I have become more aware of my language and my responses to the children’s questions. I now feel ready to put my training into practise and make a difference in the lives of our children."

Donna Scaife - Bishop Lonsdale Academy, Eccleshall, Stafford.

"I have found the Helping Children with Loss course both informative and helpful. I believe I have gained a more thorough and in-depth understanding of the grieving  process endured by children.


I am already applying the principles to my teaching and they have been received  positively and constructively. I look forward to continuing to use the coursework in my everyday teaching and making a difference to the children's outcomes."

Su Aldred - Bishop Lonsdale Academy, Eccleshall, Stafford.

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