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If you're feeling bereft or you know someone who is, you've found the right place.


Grief Recovery

The Grief Recovery Method®

The Grief Recovery Method® is a programme of guided self-help for anyone who has experienced a loss due to the death of someone important in their life, the end of a relationship, loss of a job, loss of health or one of over 40 significant life events that evoke grief.​

Grief is emotional not intellectual

The problem is that while grief is a natural emotion following a bereavement or any other significant emotional loss, most of what society teaches us about it and how to deal with it is intellectual.

For example following a bereavement they may say “don’t be upset, she’s out of pain” while the second half of this statement may be technically (rationally) true it is emotionally barren. They’ve moved the subject away from your feelings and on to those of the person who died. This intellectualisation of grief is so endemic we barely notice it anymore and despite being uttered with the best of intentions, often, when people make comments they can be by and large unhelpful or even hurtful.

The Grief Recovery Method® teaches you the correct actions to complete your unresolved grief linked to any loss.


What makes the Grief Recovery Method® different?

Where counselling, therapy or 'alternative' treatments may be of some little or great benefit they mainly offer a path to discovery of the thoughts and feelings you have around the loss in your life.


We believe that recovery is different to discovery. By following the Grief Recovery Method® as a series of small steps leads to the completion of all the unresolved business linked to the loss.


Six myths associated with loss

Over the years of working with many thousands of grievers we’ve realised that the 6 myths associated with loss are almost wholly universal. 

  • Time heals all wounds 

  • Replace the loss 

  • Grieve alone 

  • Be strong 

  • Don’t feel bad 

  • Keep busy 

The idea that time heals is particularly agonizing. We’ve known people wait ten, twenty or even thirty years and more and still be in pain. How long are they supposed to wait? 
The truth is that all time does is pass. It is the actions you take during that time that determine how completely you recover. The Grief Recovery Method® teaches you the correct actions so you don’t have to hopelessly wait in pain. 



Access to the programme

The Grief Recovery Method® does not require a GP referral. You can access the programme yourself by contacting us.

More information

For more information on how The Grief Recovery Method® can help you or to book your place on one of the programmes please call us on 07540 292384 or email in the strictest confidence.

Helping Hearts Heal

**Group and One-To-One Grief Recovery programmes use 'The Grief Recovery Handbook' published by HarperCollins, May 2009: Authors John W.James & Russell Friedman, founders of The Grief Recovery Institute® as the programme foundation. The 'Helping Children Deal With Loss Programme' uses the handbook ‘When Children Grieve’ as its foundation. Published by HarperCollins, June 2002: Authors John W.James & Russell Friedman with Dr Leslie Landon Matthews. A complimentary copy of the relevant handbook is provided at the start of the programme (One copy per person). You must complete all sessions in order to benefit from the programme.

*** Within a 10 mile radius of Stafford, UK. If you live outside of this area, please call or contact us to discuss options as we can arrange something to accommodate.

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