As a certified Grief Recovery Specialist[1] based in Stafford, we are currently in the process of contacting schools in the Stafford area with information about the 'Helping Children Deal With Loss' programme, led by Jill Frampton which starts in the new academic year from 4th September 2018.
When adults discourage children from crying or talking about negative feelings, children quickly figure out that happy feelings are acceptable, while sad ones should be avoided[1]
Grief is normal and natural, so why is it so hard to know what to do?
Whether you are a teacher, parent or otherwise involved with children, you will know that sinking sensation when questions are asked about sad and painful feelings. Often, we are left struggling for the right words, not least because we ourselves don't know what to say or do either.
Child bereavement hit the headlines recently when HRH Prince Harry quoted "Grief is the most painful experience".
If a child in your care has been bereaved, is about to face a bereavement or they have experienced significant emotional distress following divorce, house moves, changing school, being adopted, fostered, bullied or a myriad of other losses, having the correct information at your fingertips can make a significant difference to their progress and well-being.
Children are shaped by what they see and hear from adults in their lives and what they see on TV and in the movies.
How can we help?
Using the textbook 'When Children Grieve[2]' as the foundation, the programme is a step-by-step process over six weekly sessions that teaches how to communicate with the children in your care about losses they have experienced and those they might yet face. The programme is relevant to staff, parents and carers of pupils.
By the age of three, a child will have observed and stored 75% of the information they will know for life. That number jumps to 95% by adolescence.
More information
If this is something that you feel would be advantageous for your school community to participate in, please get in touch by calling us on 07922 520595 or emailing for information on staff training, workshops or for a free talk as part of your staff team meetings or parents evening.
The course includes a complimentary reference book 'When Children Grieve' [3]. Please note that booking is required and that there is a maximum of 15 people per programme/group. Please contact us to discuss group numbers, prices and suitable, convenient venue.
[2] Published May 2001: Author Dr Leslie Matthews
[3] One copy per person